Surrey Bike Rentals at The Bear’s Den Resort Orlando

There’s no better way to explore the resort than by bicycle, and you can rent multi-peddler surrey bikes here. To make reservations or ask questions about surrey bike rentals, please call the Water Park front desk.

- 407-662-1606
Get Ready for Your Bike Ride
Head over to the front desk at the Water Park, which also handles bike rentals. Choose regular bikes or pedal family style on a surrey bike.
Guests must be 18 years of age or older to drive. In addition, guests must be 58 inches or taller to be in a pedaling position.
Rentals begin at 10 AM and end one hour before the Water Park closes.
To make reservations or ask questions about bike rentals, please call our Water Park front desk.
Surrey Bike Pricing
Single Bench $25 for 30 minutes
Can accommodate 2 people on the bench and 2 children in the front child seat.
Double Bench $30 for 30 minutes
Can accommodate 4 people total on the benches and 2 children in the front child seat.